Richard JURTITSCH was born in Vien­na in 1953. From 1968 to 1969 he com­plet­ed an appren­tice­ship in screen print­ing. He then con­tin­ued his edu­ca­tion at the teach­ing and research insti­tute in the field of com­mer­cial graph­ics. In 1972 he began an appren­tice­ship as a lith­o­g­ra­ph­er, which he com­plet­ed in 1976. As a free­lance artist, Jur­titsch received the Theodor-Körn­er-Preis and the Acknowl­edg­ment Prize of the State of Low­er Aus­tria in 1987, the Pro­mo­tion Prize of the State of Low­er Aus­tria in 1994 and a work grant from the City of Vien­na. Since 1980, the artist has par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous group and solo exhi­bi­tions, espe­cial­ly in the Low­er Aus­tria and Vien­na area, and has par­tic­i­pat­ed in art fairs at home and abroad, includ­ing FIAC Paris, ART Lon­don, Art Basel, Art Frank­furt, Vien­nafair and the Art Zurich, part. Despite his increased graph­ic train­ing, Richard Jur­titsch main­ly turned to paint­ing in oil and tem­pera col­ors. In his work he uses strong col­ors that are most­ly sub­or­di­nate to a dom­i­nant basic tone. His pic­tures are not a mir­ror of real­i­ty, but rather show frag­ments of real­i­ty in an inter­weav­ing of fic­tion and abstrac­tion. Richard Jur­titsch lives and works in Vienna.
2018 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Richard JURTITSCH was born in Vien­na in 1953. From 1968 to 1969 he com­plet­ed an appren­tice­ship in screen print­ing. He then con­tin­ued his edu­ca­tion at the teach­ing and research insti­tute in the field of com­mer­cial graph­ics. In 1972 he began an appren­tice­ship as a lith­o­g­ra­ph­er, which he com­plet­ed in 1976. As a free­lance artist, Jur­titsch received the Theodor-Körn­er-Preis and the Acknowl­edg­ment Prize of the State of Low­er Aus­tria in 1987, the Pro­mo­tion Prize of the State of Low­er Aus­tria in 1994 and a work grant from the City of Vien­na. Since 1980, the artist has par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous group and solo exhi­bi­tions, espe­cial­ly in the Low­er Aus­tria and Vien­na area, and has par­tic­i­pat­ed in art fairs at home and abroad, includ­ing FIAC Paris, ART Lon­don, Art Basel, Art Frank­furt, Vien­nafair and the Art Zurich, part. Despite his increased graph­ic train­ing, Richard Jur­titsch main­ly turned to paint­ing in oil and tem­pera col­ors. In his work he uses strong col­ors that are most­ly sub­or­di­nate to a dom­i­nant basic tone. His pic­tures are not a mir­ror of real­i­ty, but rather show frag­ments of real­i­ty in an inter­weav­ing of fic­tion and abstrac­tion. Richard Jur­titsch lives and works in Vienna.
2018 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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