Johannes Ziegler was born in Wels in 1963. From 1983 attend­ing the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg, class for paint­ing and graph­ics with Prof. Prand­stet­ter. 1992/93 four-month work stay in Frank­furt am Main (schol­ar­ship from the city of FFM). Work­ing grants in Budapest, Berlin and Mer­a­no fol­low. 1999 assis­tant at the ISA, class for sculp­ture and paint­ing. From 1999 teach­ing posi­tions at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty, 1999/00 class for stage design, 2008 class for graph­ics. 2003 teach­ing posi­tion at the Inter­na­tion­al Dres­den Sum­mer Acad­e­my for Fine Arts, class for paint­ing. Since 1984 exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. The start­ing point of Johannes Ziegler’s work are per­cep­tions and sen­so­ry impres­sions in every­day life dur­ing walks, city hikes and encoun­ters. Com­po­si­tion, pro­por­tions and vol­umes of col­or and light are worked out in sketch­es and stud­ies. In his land­scape paint­ing, tem­pera and oil paint­ing on can­vas and water­col­or and gouache on laid paper, the artist does not invent his own imag­i­nary world, but nei­ther does he depict a real world, he refers to the sub­ject land­scape, with real ref­er­ences, in itself. Johannes Ziegler lives and works in Salzburg.

Johannes Ziegler was born in Wels in 1963. From 1983 attend­ing the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg, class for paint­ing and graph­ics with Prof. Prand­stet­ter. 1992/93 four-month work stay in Frank­furt am Main (schol­ar­ship from the city of FFM). Work­ing grants in Budapest, Berlin and Mer­a­no fol­low. 1999 assis­tant at the ISA, class for sculp­ture and paint­ing. From 1999 teach­ing posi­tions at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty, 1999/00 class for stage design, 2008 class for graph­ics. 2003 teach­ing posi­tion at the Inter­na­tion­al Dres­den Sum­mer Acad­e­my for Fine Arts, class for paint­ing. Since 1984 exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. The start­ing point of Johannes Ziegler’s work are per­cep­tions and sen­so­ry impres­sions in every­day life dur­ing walks, city hikes and encoun­ters. Com­po­si­tion, pro­por­tions and vol­umes of col­or and light are worked out in sketch­es and stud­ies. In his land­scape paint­ing, tem­pera and oil paint­ing on can­vas and water­col­or and gouache on laid paper, the artist does not invent his own imag­i­nary world, but nei­ther does he depict a real world, he refers to the sub­ject land­scape, with real ref­er­ences, in itself. Johannes Ziegler lives and works in Salzburg.

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