Martin Staufner

Exhi­bi­tion from 09.02.2022 — 12.03.2022





Mar­tin Staufn­er, born in Immenstadt/Allgäu (Ger­many) in 1964, com­plet­ed an appren­tice­ship at the Tech­ni­cal School for com­mer­cial graph­ics from 1985 to 1989 and stud­ied at the at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Indus­tri­al Design in Linz from 1990 to 1995.
The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture new works by the artist.
“His moti­va­tion for the paint­ings is borne less by a trans­fig­ured love of plants than by a respect­ful detach­ment from the motif and a fas­ci­na­tion that is root­ed in the wealth of forms of plants. As imag­i­na­tive and incred­i­ble as nature shows itself to us, the world of paint­ing and draw­ing is just as won­der­ful and fas­ci­nat­ing. In each pic­ture lies the desire to cap­ture all this for itself and the view­er, but it always suc­ceeds only in cap­tur­ing a moment.” (Mar­tin Staufn­er)
Mar­tin Staufn­er has lived and worked in Linz since 1968.

The artist, born in Bangkok in 1952, has been work­ing con­tin­u­ous­ly on work blocks in small for­mat for years. On the one hand, he com­pos­es col­ored sur­faces with pig­ments on the paper primed with beeswax. The sec­ond group of works com­pris­es reduced black and white pic­ture compositions.

Suvat grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na. Since 1983 the artist has par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and exhi­bi­tion par­tic­i­pa­tions in Aus­tria, Ger­many and Italy. Suvat lives and works in Vienna.