Current exhibition

18.01.2025 — 05.03.2025

On the ground floor


Paper and canvas works

Maria Moser, born in Franken­burg in Upper Aus­tria in 1948, stud­ied at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na. Her ener­getic and expres­sive paint­ing is linked to real­i­ty, to life. Her char­ac­ter­is­tic for­mal lan­guage oscil­lates between abstrac­tion and ulti­mate ref­er­ences to rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al­ism. Influ­enced by her father’s forge, she cap­tures the dif­fer­ent aggre­gate states from the gaseous atmos­pher­ic to the liq­uid to the cooled sol­id, mas­sive, often in one and the same paint­ing. Using col­or, she cre­ates vivid depth and spa­tial dimen­sion that is imbued with vital­i­ty, com­bin­ing the process of forg­ing with the process of paint­ing. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tures recent works by the artist.
A cat­a­log will be pub­lished to accom­pa­ny the exhibition.