Imprint & Contact

Opening hours:

Mon­day — Fri­day: 10:00 — 18:00
Sat­ur­day: 10:00 — 13:00

During the festival:

Mon­day — Fri­day: 10:00 — 19:00
Sat­ur­day: 10:00 — 17:00
Sun­day: 10:00 — 13:00

Com­pa­ny name Gallery Welz GmbH
Man­ag­ing Director Hubert Lendl and
Mar­tin Kelz
Com­pa­ny reg­is­ter number 68374a
Com­mer­cial reg­is­ter court Salzburg Provin­cial Court
Author­i­ty accord­ing to ECG (E‑Commerce Law) Mag­is­trate of the City of Salzburg
VAT num­ber ATU 33804700
Mem­ber of the Cham­ber of Commerce Salzburg / Austria


Com­pa­ny name
Galerie Welz GmbH

Man­ag­ing Direc­tors
Hubert Lendl and Mar­tin Kelz

Com­mer­cial reg­is­ter num­ber 68374a

Com­mer­cial Reg­is­ter Court
Salzburg Provin­cial Court

Author­i­ty accord­ing to ECG (E‑Commerce Law)
Mag­is­trate of the City of Salzburg

UID Nr. ATU 33804700

Mem­ber of the Cham­ber of Com­merce
Salzburg / Austria

Business licenses

Book, art and music pub­lish­ing accord­ing to § 103 Abs. 1 lit. b Z 6 GewO 1973 (takeover of works of lit­er­a­ture, visu­al arts and sound art for repro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion) accord­ing to § 103 para­graph 1 Lit b) line 7 GewO. 1973 and com­mer­cial trades (with the excep­tion of the licensed, bound com­mer­cial trades) and com­mer­cial agents accord­ing to § 124 Z 10 GewO 1994, com­mer­cial trades accord­ing to § 103 para. 1 lit. b Z. 1 GewO 1973, restrict­ed to the retail trade with antiques and art objects.

Copyright notice

All con­tents of this web­site (images, pho­tos, texts, videos) are sub­ject to copy­right. Please con­sult us before dis­trib­ut­ing, repro­duc­ing or exploit­ing the con­tent of this web­site, such as repub­lish­ing it on oth­er web­sites. If nec­es­sary, we will pros­e­cute the unau­tho­rized use of parts of the con­tent of our site.
If you find con­tent on this web­site that vio­lates copy­right law, please con­tact us.

Copyright notes on texts, images, graphics and photos

The texts, images, pho­tos and graph­ics on this web­site are pro­tect­ed by copy­right.
The image rights are held by the fol­low­ing pho­tog­ra­phers and companies:

© Galerie Welz
© Archiv Franz Eder
© Vera von Glas­ner, Foto­stu­dio Exclu­siv Vera von Glas­ner
© Carel Obitzhauser
Pho­to Prove­nance for­mer­ly owned by Kun­sthand­lung und Rahmen­erzeu­gung Frank Uhlig, Vien­na
© Tom Bern­berg­er, Stu­dio designthegap

Conception & Implementation, Virtual Tours

Stu­dio designthe­gap