Art bookstore

Exhibition catalogs, new publications and
antiquarian books

Art bookstore and antiquarian bookshop

In the gallery’s book­store, pub­li­ca­tions from the in-house pub­lish­ing house, cur­rent exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logs, new pub­li­ca­tions from the art book mar­ket and anti­quar­i­an books are on offer. Spe­cial­iz­ing in art books, we offer read­ing across epochs.

The art book­shop in the Welz Gallery has exist­ed since the mid-1950s and has been a fix­ture for art lovers ever since.
In addi­tion to a large range, com­pe­tent advice is part of the company’s ser­vice. We can also ful­fill your book wish­es beyond our range.

In our sec­ond-hand book­shop you will find a com­pre­hen­sive range of art books and bib­lio­phile rar­i­ties that are already out of print.


Order­ing spe­cial­ist art lit­er­a­ture and anti­quar­i­an art books


  • New releas­es
  • Exhi­bi­tion catalogs
  • Art and artist books, col­lec­tors’ and spe­cial editions
  • Art his­to­ry, art the­o­ry and art his­to­ry lit­er­a­ture (Dehio, …)
  • Anti­quar­i­an pub­li­ca­tions and rar­i­ties (old masters, …)

We try to offer an up-to-date and var­ied range of prod­ucts on these top­ics, depend­ing on the space available.

If you have any ques­tions about exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logs, books, new pub­li­ca­tions or anti­quar­i­an titles, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us by email or phone, or you can vis­it us in our book­store at Sig­mund-Haffn­er-Gasse 16, 5020 Salzburg.

Tel.: +43 (0)662–84 17 71–21