Oskar Kokoschka

Publishing company Gallery Welz

Art books

Publishing house of Galerie Welz

The first pub­li­ca­tion appeared on the occa­sion of Anton Kolig’s exhi­bi­tion in 1948, fol­lowed by anoth­er on Anton Stein­hart in 1949. The suc­cess of these two books prompt­ed the foun­da­tion of the pub­lish­ing house in 1950.
With­in a short peri­od of time, the pub­lish­er suc­ceed­ed in gain­ing a pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty through its authors and pub­li­ca­tions that gave it an impor­tant place among Ger­man-lan­guage art book publishers.

The first impor­tant pub­li­ca­tions were a mono­graph by Bruno Grim­schitz on Wil­helm Thöny and the port­fo­lios by Hans Maria Wingler on Oskar Kokosch­ka, Orbis pic­tus I and II. This was fol­lowed by a mono­graph on Anton Mahringer and a doc­u­men­ta­tion of the designs for the Mag­ic Flute that Oskar Kokosch­ka had cre­at­ed for the Salzburg Fes­ti­val in 1955.
The most out­stand­ing achieve­ments of the pub­lish­er include the oeu­vre cat­a­log of Oskar Kokoschka’s paint­ings (1956), edit­ed by Hans Maria Wingler, the work of Gus­tav Klimt with a cat­a­log raison­né by Fritz Novot­ny and Johannes Dobai (1967), and the 4‑volume oeu­vre cat­a­log of draw­ings Gus­tav Klimts by Alice Strobl, edit­ed by the Alberti­na Graph­ic Col­lec­tion and the oeu­vre cat­a­log of the prints by Oskar Kokosch­ka (1975), edit­ed by Hans Maria Wingler and Friedrich Welz. The most valu­able work is about Frieden­sre­ich Hun­dert­wass­er, by Wern­er Hof­mann with a hun­dred col­or pho­to­graph­ic plates with gold and sil­ver.
In addi­tion, numer­ous mono­graphs, art books, port­fo­lios, doc­u­men­ta­tions, exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logs, art cal­en­dars, art prints and art post­cards were created.

Most recent­ly, the cat­a­log raison­né of Oskar Kokosch­ka “The draw­ings and water­col­ors 1897–1916” was published.

Available art books from publishing company Galerie Welz

978–3- 85349- 206–1ADUATZ Friedrich (M.Böckl)47,20
978–3- 85349- 169–0BÄUMER Eduard (Werk­mono­gra­phie)98,00
978–3- 85349- 165–2BOECKL Her­bert — Akte (E.Lachnit)28,30
978–3- 85349- 145–4BREITER Her­bert — Landschaften36,30
978–3- 85349- 303–8BREITER Her­bert — Städte — Berge — Bäume und Mauern28,30
978–3- 85349- 263–5DANIELIS Friedrich — zu den Inseln28,30
978–3- 85349- 227–7FISCHLHAMMER Hubert — OSE ORU (Afri­ka)31,90
978–3- 85349- 027–3FRANKL Ger­hard — Mono­gra­phie (F.Novotny)39,90
978–3- 85349- 185–0FRANKL Ger­hard — Radierungen28,30
978–3- 85349- 176–8FRONIUS Schloßherr74,00
978–3- 85349- 175–1GERSTL — SCHÖNBERG (O.Breicha)28,30
978–3- 85349- 155–3GERSTL Richard — Bilder zur Per­son (O.Breicha)28,30
978–3- 85349- 202–4GERSTL Richard — Land­schaften (O.Breicha)28,30
978–3- 85349- 188–1HOKE Gisel­bert — Ein Österr.in Europa (W.Schmied)47,20
978–3- 85349- 131–6HRADIL Rudolf — Aquarelle (W.Schmied)20,00
978–3- 85349- 028–0HUNDERTWASSER — Licht­druck (W.Schmied)500,00
978–3- 85349- 287–1ISEPP Sebas­t­ian (G.Frodl u.E.Brandstötter)39,90
978–3- 85349- 236–9KAUFMANN Wil­helm (A.M.Eder)36,30
978–3- 85349–KLIMT Zeichn. I‑IV (A.Strobl) Gesamtabn. je178,00
978–3- 85349- 077–8KLIMT Zeich­nun­gen I (A.Strobl) Normal196,00
978–3- 85349- 094–5KLIMT Zeich­nun­gen II (A.Strobl) Normal196,00
978–3- 85349- 106–5KLIMT Zeich­nun­gen III (A.Strobl) Normal196,00
978–3- 85349- 134–8KLIMT Zeich­nun­gen IV (A.Strobl) Normal196,00
978–3- 85349- 189–8KOKOSCHKA — Gemälde I (Win­kler / Erling)254,00
978–3- 85349- 290–1KOKOSCHKA — Zeich­nun­gen u. Aquarelle (1897–1916)210,00
978–3- 85349- 037–2KOKOSCHKA Druck­graphik I (Wingler / Welz)210,50
978–3- 85349- 085–3KOKOSCHKA Druck­graphik II (Wingler / Welz)42,10
978–3- 85349- 205–5KOLLER Kon­rad — Werk­süber­sicht (F.Eder)47,20
978–3- 85349- 265–9MLENEK Hannes ‑Intim/Monumental (P.Weiermair)47,20
978–3- 85349- 273–4PEIFFER-WATENPHUL — Salzburg, Bilder ein­er Stadt47,20
978–3- 85349- 288–8SALZMANN — (P.Bonafoux u. N.Schaffer)47,20
978–3- 85349- 222–2SALZMANN Spiegelun­gen (O.Breicha)34,80
978–3- 85349- 186–7SCHEIDL / NISOLI — Malerei und Tanz47,20
978–3- 85349- 293–2STANGL Heinz — Ölbilder47,20
978–3- 85349- 255–0STARK Karl — Ein Leben für die Malerei47,20
978–3- 85349- 108–9STEJSKAL Her­bert — Werkprozesse (W.Rohrmoser)25,40
978–3- 85349- 053–2THÖNY Wil­helm (W.Schmied)90,00