Erich GRUBER was born in Bischof­shofen in 1971. 1995 to 2001 stud­ied paint­ing at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg with Prof. Dieter Klein­peter. 1999 Attend­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my in Salzburg, paint­ing class Uwe Bre­mer. From 2002 to 2008 ate­lier of the State of Salzburg. Since 1998 exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. Schol­ar­ships: 2001 Slavi Soucek, Recog­ni­tion Award, State of Salzburg; 2002 Motovun, Croa­t­ia; 2004, War­saw, Aus­tri­an Cul­tur­al Forum. Works of the artist in pub­lic space: 2001, “Betweiber”, Dis­trict Author­i­ty St. Johann / Pg .; 2012, “groundskeep­er and nun”, House of Nature, Salzburg. 2008 Nom­i­nat­ed for the Great Art Prize of the State of Salzburg The artist lives and works in Salzburg. Since 2011: Galerie Heike Curtze and Petra Seis­er 2015 — first exhi­bi­tion in Galerie Welz.

Erich GRUBER was born in Bischof­shofen in 1971. 1995 to 2001 stud­ied paint­ing at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg with Prof. Dieter Klein­peter. 1999 Attend­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my in Salzburg, paint­ing class Uwe Bre­mer. From 2002 to 2008 ate­lier of the State of Salzburg. Since 1998 exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. Schol­ar­ships: 2001 Slavi Soucek, Recog­ni­tion Award, State of Salzburg; 2002 Motovun, Croa­t­ia; 2004, War­saw, Aus­tri­an Cul­tur­al Forum. Works of the artist in pub­lic space: 2001, “Betweiber”, Dis­trict Author­i­ty St. Johann / Pg .; 2012, “groundskeep­er and nun”, House of Nature, Salzburg. 2008 Nom­i­nat­ed for the Great Art Prize of the State of Salzburg The artist lives and works in Salzburg. Since 2011: Galerie Heike Curtze and Petra Seis­er 2015 — first exhi­bi­tion in Galerie Welz.

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