Susanne POHL was born in Neuburg an der Donau in 1970. In addi­tion to the pre­dom­i­nant­ly auto­di­dac­tic exam­i­na­tion of artis­tic sub­jects, Susanne Pohl gets artis­tic impuls­es from Gudrun Pfrogn­er, Wolf­gang Ellen­rieder and Christoph Kern. In 1996 she learned the etch­ing tech­niques from Tadeusz M. Siara, which she deep­ened in the fol­low­ing years, and devel­oped the pota­to stamp­ing tech­nique as an artis­tic tech­nique. 1998 Com­ple­tion of stud­ies in psy­chol­o­gy in Eich­stätt / Upper Bavaria, fol­lowed by train­ing as a sys­temic ther­a­pist. Since 2004, Susanne Pohl has ori­ent­ed her graph­ic work to rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al struc­tures and land­scapes. Since 1990 numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions. The artist lives and works in Neuburg on the Danube / Bavaria.

Susanne POHL was born in Neuburg an der Donau in 1970. In addi­tion to the pre­dom­i­nant­ly auto­di­dac­tic exam­i­na­tion of artis­tic sub­jects, Susanne Pohl gets artis­tic impuls­es from Gudrun Pfrogn­er, Wolf­gang Ellen­rieder and Christoph Kern. In 1996 she learned the etch­ing tech­niques from Tadeusz M. Siara, which she deep­ened in the fol­low­ing years, and devel­oped the pota­to stamp­ing tech­nique as an artis­tic tech­nique. 1998 Com­ple­tion of stud­ies in psy­chol­o­gy in Eich­stätt / Upper Bavaria, fol­lowed by train­ing as a sys­temic ther­a­pist. Since 2004, Susanne Pohl has ori­ent­ed her graph­ic work to rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al struc­tures and land­scapes. Since 1990 numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions. The artist lives and works in Neuburg on the Danube / Bavaria.

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