Exhi­bi­tion from 02.11.2024 — 04.12.2024






Alexan­der Stro­hte has been work­ing with the ele­ment of water since 1985 and is fas­ci­nat­ed by the sea. The artist reg­u­lar­ly trav­els to Sylt, Travemünde, the Riv­iera in north­ern Italy, the Côte Fleurie in Nor­mandy, Brit­tany or the Côte d’Azur and is inspired by the rough North Sea, the clear Adri­at­ic, the gen­tle Eng­lish Chan­nel, the wild Atlantic, the friend­ly Mediter­ranean and the sur­round­ing veg­e­ta­tion. The flow­ing rhythm in his works refers to a uni­ver­sal code, the omnipresent rhythm of ebb and flow, of new moon and full moon. In his paint­ings, the last lay­er of oil applied is of great impor­tance to Alexan­der Stro­hte. It deter­mines the qual­i­ty of the work.
The exhi­bi­tion will show cur­rent works by the artist from 2024.