Exhi­bi­tion from 03.06.2023 — 15.07.2023








Annerose Riedl’s char­ac­ter women are most­ly made of lime­wood. No per­fect­ly smooth sur­face, but a cer­tain raw­ness favored by the mate­ri­al­i­ty is per­ceiv­able. Char­ac­ter­is­tic of the paint­ed, female sculp­tures are their over­sized bare feet and unique facial expres­sions. In 1980, the self-taught artist began sculp­tur­al work. The cause and moti­va­tion of their activ­i­ty is the sub­ject of women. Her fig­ures are sen­su­al and live­ly, defy­ing any clichés of com­mon ideals of beau­ty or per­fec­tion. The ladies delib­er­ate­ly avoid any attri­bu­tion to a social class. Annerose Riedl’s works are not about depict­ing con­crete women, but about being a woman in gen­er­al and all that is con­nect­ed with it. The rela­tion­ship with one­self: body aware­ness, nudi­ty, self-aware­ness and rela­tion­ships with oth­er peo­ple and ani­mals.
The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture wood sculp­tures and works on paper by the artist, who was born in Pas­sau in 1949.
Annerose Riedl lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärding.