Exhi­bi­tion from 02.03.2024 — 17.04.2024




In his work, Dra­go Prel­og deals with lines, strokes and char­ac­ters in a vari­ety of ways. In 1960, he cre­at­ed his first, char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly late-for­mu­la, scrip­tur­al works. His fig­u­ra­tive “bomb and explo­sion pic­tures” devel­oped at the begin­ning of the 1970s. This was fol­lowed by topo­graph­i­cal pic­tures moti­vat­ed by maps, as well as moun­tain pic­tures and the “St. Stephen’s Tow­ers”. In 1977, he began the series of his “Umlauf­bilder”, in which he approached the paint­ing sur­face from four sides on a hor­i­zon­tal canvas. 

“Start­ing rough­ly from the cen­ter, the lines seek their path, peer towards the edge of the pic­ture, but remain main­ly next to each oth­er, on top of each oth­er, mixed up. Each line refers to the one before it, each line is cre­at­ed pri­mar­i­ly for the pur­pose of con­dens­ing the result­ing for­ma­tion …” (Dra­go Prelog)