Exhi­bi­tion from 08.06.2024 — 13.07.2024




As in Georg Loewit’s sculp­tures, peo­ple play the main role in his paint­ings. In pub­lic places and loca­tions, the artist uses his cam­era to cap­ture views of peo­ple from behind and trans­lates what he has pho­tographed into a dif­fer­ent medi­um through cre­ative process­es. The nat­u­ral­is­ti­cal­ly detailed pro­tag­o­nists made of wood, bronze or alu­minum are giv­en a smooth, sil­hou­ette-like front and present them­selves to the view­er in out­line. Unusu­al per­spec­tives, extreme inci­dence of light, strong shad­ows and pre­cise forms char­ac­ter­ize Loewit’s works. Archi­tec­tur­al ele­ments and the sur­round­ings are fad­ed out and reduced to mono­chrome sur­faces. The artist lives and works in Inns­bruck. His works are rep­re­sent­ed in col­lec­tions and have been pre­sent­ed in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al exhibitions.