Exhi­bi­tion from 07.12.2024 — 15.01.2025






Markus Prachensky’s series “La Battaglia di San Romano” is a homage to the trip­tych of the same name by the ear­ly Renais­sance painter Pao­lo Uccel­lo. The lat­ter cap­tured the Bat­tle of San Romano (1432) on three pan­els in the 1440s. The indi­vid­ual parts of the trip­tych are now in the Lou­vre in Paris, the Uffizi in Flo­rence and the Nation­al Gallery in Lon­don. The numer­ous spears, which struc­ture the com­po­si­tion of the Renais­sance paint­ing in a geo­met­ric, almost grid-like man­ner, par­tic­u­lar­ly fas­ci­nat­ed Prachen­sky and became the main motif of this dynam­ic series. 60 years after his encounter with the first pan­el paint­ing, Prachen­sky decid­ed to artis­ti­cal­ly real­ize the cycle “Battaglia di San Romano — Omag­gio a Pao­lo Uccel­lo” in 2010. In addi­tion to the works on paper and can­vas from this series, works from the cycles “Etruria” (1980), “Marem­ma” (1985), “Lux­or Swing” (1997), “Bali trum­pet” (1998), “Hongkong Ram­ble” (2000), “Cal­i­for­nia revis­it­ed” (2001), “Cal­i­for­nia Miles” (2002), “Sen­a­tus Con­sul­tum” (2005) and “Far­nesina Dix­ie” (2006) will be shown.