SALZBURG GROUP | 1951 — 1969

Exhi­bi­tion from 07.12.2024 — 15.01.2025




On the 1st floor of the gallery we are show­ing select­ed works by artists from the Salzburg group. The Salzburg Group, an asso­ci­a­tion of Salzburg artists found­ed in 1951, saw itself as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of mod­ern art, which until then had not been rep­re­sent­ed in Salzburg’s art scene. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tures works by Eduard Bäumer, Gus­tav Kurt Beck, Her­bert Bre­it­er, Trude Engels­berg­er, Rudolf Hradil, Wil­helm Kauf­mann, Kay Kras­nitzky, Agnes Muth­spiel, Her­mann Ober, Wern­er Otte, Max Peif­fer Waten­phul, Max Rieder, Karl Schindler, Salvi Soucek and Leon­hard Stemeseder. The first exhi­bi­tion of the Salzburg group took place in Salzburg in 1952 and then every two years. The group dis­band­ed in 1969.

The artist, born in Bangkok in 1952, has been work­ing con­tin­u­ous­ly on work blocks in small for­mat for years. On the one hand, he com­pos­es col­ored sur­faces with pig­ments on the paper primed with beeswax. The sec­ond group of works com­pris­es reduced black and white pic­ture compositions.

Suvat grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na. Since 1983 the artist has par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and exhi­bi­tion par­tic­i­pa­tions in Aus­tria, Ger­many and Italy. Suvat lives and works in Vienna.