1903-1980 - Friedrich Maximilian Welz

Friedrich M. Welz was born on Novem­ber 2, 1903, the fourth of five chil­dren in Salzburg (par­ents Friedrich and Karo­line Welz). After attend­ing sec­ondary school, he began train­ing in elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing. In 1918 he broke off his train­ing and went to Vien­na to learn car­pen­try and gild­ing, the man­u­al tools for his father’s frame busi­ness, as an appren­tice in the cab­i­net mak­er Friedrich Otto Schmidt. In 1920 he fin­ished his appren­tice­ship with the journeyman’s exam­i­na­tion, he passed the mas­ter crafts­man exam­i­na­tion in 1936 in Salzburg.