The sum­mer exhi­bi­tion in 1936 in the “Kun­st­sa­lon / Kun­st­laden Welz” ran under the title “MODERNE MEISTER”. A cat­a­log with 120 num­bers was pub­lished. The mod­ern mas­ters includ­ed Marc Cha­gall, Lovis Corinth, Paul Gau­guin, Max Lieber­mann, Edvard Munch, Paul Signac, Mau­rice Utril­lo and Mau­rice de Vlam­inck as well as the Aus­tri­ans Her­bert Boeckl, Anton Fais­tauer, Richard Ger­stl, Oskar Kokosch­ka, Alfred Kubin and Anton Stein­hart , Slavi Soucek, Wil­helm Thöny and Fritz Wotruba.