1956 - Oeuvre directory

The most impor­tant achieve­ments of the pub­lish­er include the oeu­vre cat­a­log of Oskar Kokoschka’s paint­ings (1956), edit­ed by Hans Maria Wingler, the work of Gus­tav Klimt with a cat­a­log raison­né by Fritz Novot­ny and Johannes Dobai (1967), and the 4‑volume cat­a­log of the draw­ings Gus­tav Klimts by Alice Strobl, edit­ed by the Alberti­na Graph­ic Col­lec­tion and the oeu­vre cat­a­log of the prints by Oskar Kokosch­ka (1975), edit­ed by Hans Maria Wingler and Friedrich Welz. The most valu­able work is cer­tain­ly about Frieden­sre­ich Hun­dert­wass­er, by Wern­er Hof­mann with a hun­dred col­or pho­to­graph­ic plates with gold and sil­ver, in the lux­u­ry edi­tion bound in lambskin.