Eduard BÄUMER was born in Kastel­laun in the Hun­srück (Rhineland-Palati­nate) in 1892. From 1912 he stud­ied at the Städel Art Insti­tute in Frank­furt and met Johannes Itten. Strong influ­ence from Max Beck­mann. Long stay in Italy. After com­plet­ing his mil­i­tary ser­vice, attend­ed the Itten School in Berlin for sev­er­al months (1927/28). Study trip to Paris and 1933 relo­ca­tion to Salzburg. 1942 first exhi­bi­tion in Vien­na. The fam­i­ly went into hid­ing in Grossarl im Pon­gau in 1944 until the end of the war. 1947 Appoint­ment to the Vien­na Acad­e­my for Applied Arts (head of the paint­ing class and work­shop for glass win­dows and mosaics). 1954/55 meet­ing with Cha­gall in Paris. From 1958 he spent sev­er­al months annu­al­ly in Abruz­zo. 1964 move to Tro­pea. Eduard Bäumer died in Munich in 1977. 1936 — first par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exhi­bi­tion, 1960 — first solo exhi­bi­tion at Galerie Welz.

Eduard BÄUMER was born in Kastel­laun in the Hun­srück (Rhineland-Palati­nate) in 1892. From 1912 he stud­ied at the Städel Art Insti­tute in Frank­furt and met Johannes Itten. Strong influ­ence from Max Beck­mann. Long stay in Italy. After com­plet­ing his mil­i­tary ser­vice, attend­ed the Itten School in Berlin for sev­er­al months (1927/28). Study trip to Paris and 1933 relo­ca­tion to Salzburg. 1942 first exhi­bi­tion in Vien­na. The fam­i­ly went into hid­ing in Grossarl im Pon­gau in 1944 until the end of the war. 1947 Appoint­ment to the Vien­na Acad­e­my for Applied Arts (head of the paint­ing class and work­shop for glass win­dows and mosaics). 1954/55 meet­ing with Cha­gall in Paris. From 1958 he spent sev­er­al months annu­al­ly in Abruz­zo. 1964 move to Tro­pea. Eduard Bäumer died in Munich in 1977. 1936 — first par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exhi­bi­tion, 1960 — first solo exhi­bi­tion at Galerie Welz.

Eduard BÄUMER (1892 — 1977) A mono­graph of his work. Intro­duc­tion by Otto Bre­icha and Oswald Ober­hu­ber, texts by Angel­i­ca and Bet­ti­na Bäumer Michael Gut­ten­brun­ner and Wieland Schmied Ver­lag Galerie Welz 432 pages with 439 col­or illus­tra­tions, includ­ing 30 pho­tos. For­mat 30 x 30 cm, linen. ISBN 3–85349-169–3 Price: € 98,– (incl. 10 % VAT)

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