Vic­tor BAUER was born on Sep­tem­ber 2, 1902 in Vien­na. At the age of 10 he moved to Munich with his par­ents. In 1920 he returned to Aus­tria and fin­ished school in Vien­na and Graz. 1922 Start­ed study­ing med­i­cine, anato­my, paint­ing and life draw­ing. Study trips to Rus­sia and Greece, then in Vien­na con­tacts to cir­cles around Adolf Loos, Karl Kraus and Wil­helm Reich. 1929 first solo exhi­bi­tion in Vien­na, study trips and relo­ca­tion to Paris, con­tact with the sur­re­al­ist move­ment. 1936 moved to Nice, worked on the Mag­nus Hirschfeld estate with Wil­helm Reich and from 1942 active in the French Resis­tance. 1943 death sen­tence by a spe­cial court, 1944 release from prison. Increased focus on paint­ing. Vic­tor Bauer dies in Nice in 1959. 1992 — first ret­ro­spec­tive at the Welz Gallery.

Vic­tor BAUER was born on Sep­tem­ber 2, 1902 in Vien­na. At the age of 10 he moved to Munich with his par­ents. In 1920 he returned to Aus­tria and fin­ished school in Vien­na and Graz. 1922 Start­ed study­ing med­i­cine, anato­my, paint­ing and life draw­ing. Study trips to Rus­sia and Greece, then in Vien­na con­tacts to cir­cles around Adolf Loos, Karl Kraus and Wil­helm Reich. 1929 first solo exhi­bi­tion in Vien­na, study trips and relo­ca­tion to Paris, con­tact with the sur­re­al­ist move­ment. 1936 moved to Nice, worked on the Mag­nus Hirschfeld estate with Wil­helm Reich and from 1942 active in the French Resis­tance. 1943 death sen­tence by a spe­cial court, 1944 release from prison. Increased focus on paint­ing. Vic­tor Bauer dies in Nice in 1959. 1992 — first ret­ro­spec­tive at the Welz Gallery.

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