Her­bert BREITER was born on Feb­ru­ary 21, 1927 in Lan­deshut in the Giant Moun­tains, Sile­sia. Study­ing at the Dres­den Acad­e­my was thwart­ed by the out­break of war. In 1945 Her­bert Bre­it­er came to Salzburg. He passed the entrance exam­i­na­tion at the arts and crafts school in Salzburg (require­ment for a res­i­dence per­mit in Aus­tria) and received Aus­tri­an cit­i­zen­ship in 1947. Her­bert Bre­it­er began to paint as an auto­di­dact, became a pupil of Max Peif­fer Waten­phul and got to know oth­er painters and sculp­tors through him. He was a mem­ber of the Art Club, the artist group “Salzburg­er Gruppe” and the Salzburg Art Asso­ci­a­tion. In 1957, Bre­it­er received the Aus­tri­an Graph­ics Prize and the Theodor-Körn­er Prize. The Slavi Soucek Prize fol­lowed in 1992. His life and artis­tic work were shaped by numer­ous trips to Tus­cany, the island of Pon­za, Dal­ma­tia, south­ern Styr­ia and Greece. Bre­it­er was one of the orga­niz­ers of the graph­ic work­shop in Salzburg, which was used by artists from near and far, and pro­mot­ed painters, drafts­men and graph­ic artists who were to come. Her­bert Bre­it­er dies on Octo­ber 9, 1999 in Salzburg. In 2012 the his­toric Peter­swacht Bas­tion in Salzburg’s old town was renamed the Her­bert-Bre­it­er-Ter­rasse. 1948 — first exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

Her­bert BREITER was born on Feb­ru­ary 21, 1927 in Lan­deshut in the Giant Moun­tains, Sile­sia. Study­ing at the Dres­den Acad­e­my was thwart­ed by the out­break of war. In 1945 Her­bert Bre­it­er came to Salzburg. He passed the entrance exam­i­na­tion at the arts and crafts school in Salzburg (require­ment for a res­i­dence per­mit in Aus­tria) and received Aus­tri­an cit­i­zen­ship in 1947. Her­bert Bre­it­er began to paint as an auto­di­dact, became a pupil of Max Peif­fer Waten­phul and got to know oth­er painters and sculp­tors through him. He was a mem­ber of the Art Club, the artist group “Salzburg­er Gruppe” and the Salzburg Art Asso­ci­a­tion. In 1957, Bre­it­er received the Aus­tri­an Graph­ics Prize and the Theodor-Körn­er Prize. The Slavi Soucek Prize fol­lowed in 1992. His life and artis­tic work were shaped by numer­ous trips to Tus­cany, the island of Pon­za, Dal­ma­tia, south­ern Styr­ia and Greece. Bre­it­er was one of the orga­niz­ers of the graph­ic work­shop in Salzburg, which was used by artists from near and far, and pro­mot­ed painters, drafts­men and graph­ic artists who were to come. Her­bert Bre­it­er dies on Octo­ber 9, 1999 in Salzburg. In 2012 the his­toric Peter­swacht Bas­tion in Salzburg’s old town was renamed the Her­bert-Bre­it­er-Ter­rasse. 1948 — first exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

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