Marc CHAGALL was born in Peskowatik near Viteb­sk (Russ­ian Empire) in 1887. 1910 to 1914 first stay in Paris and exhi­bi­tions at the Indépen­dants, meet­ing with Léger and a short cubist peri­od. 1914 to 1918 return to Lios­no and Viteb­sk. Cha­gall returns to France via Berlin. After the occu­pa­tion of Paris by the Ger­mans in 1941, he fled to the USA. In 1948 the artist returned to his adopt­ed home. In addi­tion to oil paint­ing, his work includes inten­sive pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with print­mak­ing tech­niques (etch­ing and lith­o­g­ra­phy), main­ly in cycli­cal sub­jects, as well as gouach­es, poster design and impres­sive stained glass win­dow designs. Marc Cha­gall died in Saint-Paul-de-Vence in 1985.

Marc CHAGALL was born in Peskowatik near Viteb­sk (Russ­ian Empire) in 1887. 1910 to 1914 first stay in Paris and exhi­bi­tions at the Indépen­dants, meet­ing with Léger and a short cubist peri­od. 1914 to 1918 return to Lios­no and Viteb­sk. Cha­gall returns to France via Berlin. After the occu­pa­tion of Paris by the Ger­mans in 1941, he fled to the USA. In 1948 the artist returned to his adopt­ed home. In addi­tion to oil paint­ing, his work includes inten­sive pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with print­mak­ing tech­niques (etch­ing and lith­o­g­ra­phy), main­ly in cycli­cal sub­jects, as well as gouach­es, poster design and impres­sive stained glass win­dow designs. Marc Cha­gall died in Saint-Paul-de-Vence in 1985.

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