Hosoda EISHI (1756–1829) came from a wealthy samurai family. After studying painting, he entered the service of the Shogun. At 30 he left the court and devoted himself to the art of color woodcut. Eishi ran his own school and is one of the leading painters of his time. His repertoire preferred to depict beautiful women ( bijin- ga), beauties who corresponded to the contemporary ideal of beauty, erotic images ( shungas ) and the representation of famous legends ( musha‑e ). His style is characterized by expansive figures, elegant lines, extreme elongations and slimness of the figures and little interior. His models included Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815) and Kitagawa Utamaro (around 1753 / 54–1806).
In 1800, Eishi ended his career as a woodcut artist and dedicated himself exclusively to painting ( nikuhitsu-ga ).
Hosoda EISHI (1756–1829) came from a wealthy samurai family. After studying painting, he entered the service of the Shogun. At 30 he left the court and devoted himself to the art of color woodcut. Eishi ran his own school and is one of the leading painters of his time. His repertoire preferred to depict beautiful women ( bijin- ga), beauties who corresponded to the contemporary ideal of beauty, erotic images ( shungas ) and the representation of famous legends ( musha‑e ). His style is characterized by expansive figures, elegant lines, extreme elongations and slimness of the figures and little interior. His models included Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815) and Kitagawa Utamaro (around 1753 / 54–1806).
In 1800, Eishi ended his career as a woodcut artist and dedicated himself exclusively to painting ( nikuhitsu-ga ).
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