Kiku­gawa EIZAN (1787–1867) learned paint­ing in his father’s work­shop (painter). After Uta­maro, Eizan and Toyoku­ni are among the lead­ing actors in beau­ti­ful women ( bijin-ga ). Strong­ly influ­enced by the great mas­ter Kita­gawa Uta­maro (around 1753 / 54–1806), he soon devot­ed him­self to the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of beau­ties and devel­oped his own dis­tinc­tive style of stand­ing ele­gant women in a qui­et atmos­phere. Eizan made numer­ous wood­cuts. His works are among the most out­stand­ing fol­low­ers of Utamaro’s art. From 1830 he devot­ed him­self exclu­sive­ly to painting.

Kiku­gawa EIZAN (1787–1867) learned paint­ing in his father’s work­shop (painter). After Uta­maro, Eizan and Toyoku­ni are among the lead­ing actors in beau­ti­ful women ( bijin-ga ). Strong­ly influ­enced by the great mas­ter Kita­gawa Uta­maro (around 1753 / 54–1806), he soon devot­ed him­self to the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of beau­ties and devel­oped his own dis­tinc­tive style of stand­ing ele­gant women in a qui­et atmos­phere. Eizan made numer­ous wood­cuts. His works are among the most out­stand­ing fol­low­ers of Utamaro’s art. From 1830 he devot­ed him­self exclu­sive­ly to painting.

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