Ernst GRADISCHNIG, born in 1949 in Wien­dorf in Carinthia, has been engaged in paint­ing since 1968. 1971 saw the first con­tacts with paint­ings by Her­bert Boeckl, Jean Egger and artists of the Nötsch cir­cle, Anton Kolig, Franz Wiegele and Anton Mahringer. From 1972 to 1974 Gradis­chnig stud­ied at L’È­cole ABC de Paris. In 1978 he com­plet­ed a print­mak­ing course in Salzburg with Pro­fes­sor Her­bert Bre­it­er. Gradis­chnig then set up his own lith­o­g­ra­phy work­shop in Kla­gen­furt. In 1989 fol­lowed a stay in the city stu­dio of Kla­gen­furt in Paris. In 1990, Gradis­chnig learned the ceram­ic tech­nique for wall design from Karl Schüssler in Wolfs­berg. Since 1979, study and work vis­its have tak­en the artist to France, Ice­land, Croa­t­ia, Italy, Namib­ia, South and North Africa, Hun­gary and Rus­sia, among oth­er places. 1993 Ernst Gradis­chnig moves into the stu­dio house in Witsch in Moos­burg. The painter, graph­ic artist and ceramist is a mem­ber of the Carinthi­an and Salzburg Art Asso­ci­a­tions. Works of the artist have been pre­sent­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tions in exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad since 1973. Works by Ernst Gradis­chnig are in the pos­ses­sion of pri­vate and pub­lic muse­ums and col­lec­tions, includ­ing the Alberti­na Vien­na, the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art Carinthia (MMKK), the Leopold Col­lec­tion, Vien­na, the Essl Col­lec­tion, Klosterneuburg, the Stra­bag Kun­st­fo­rum, Vien­na, and the Mobil Aus­tria Col­lec­tion. With expres­sive brush­strokes Gradis­chnig inter­prets the essence of nature in dif­fer­ent light sit­u­a­tions. In his land­scape paint­ings he shows a sec­ond real­i­ty in which the col­ors delib­er­ate­ly set accents and allow the atmos­pher­ic to emerge.
Ernst Gradis­chnig lives and works as a free­lance artist in Witsch in Moosburg.
1980 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Ernst GRADISCHNIG, born in 1949 in Wien­dorf in Carinthia, has been engaged in paint­ing since 1968. 1971 saw the first con­tacts with paint­ings by Her­bert Boeckl, Jean Egger and artists of the Nötsch cir­cle, Anton Kolig, Franz Wiegele and Anton Mahringer. From 1972 to 1974 Gradis­chnig stud­ied at L’È­cole ABC de Paris. In 1978 he com­plet­ed a print­mak­ing course in Salzburg with Pro­fes­sor Her­bert Bre­it­er. Gradis­chnig then set up his own lith­o­g­ra­phy work­shop in Kla­gen­furt. In 1989 fol­lowed a stay in the city stu­dio of Kla­gen­furt in Paris. In 1990, Gradis­chnig learned the ceram­ic tech­nique for wall design from Karl Schüssler in Wolfs­berg. Since 1979, study and work vis­its have tak­en the artist to France, Ice­land, Croa­t­ia, Italy, Namib­ia, South and North Africa, Hun­gary and Rus­sia, among oth­er places. 1993 Ernst Gradis­chnig moves into the stu­dio house in Witsch in Moos­burg. The painter, graph­ic artist and ceramist is a mem­ber of the Carinthi­an and Salzburg Art Asso­ci­a­tions. Works of the artist have been pre­sent­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tions in exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad since 1973. Works by Ernst Gradis­chnig are in the pos­ses­sion of pri­vate and pub­lic muse­ums and col­lec­tions, includ­ing the Alberti­na Vien­na, the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art Carinthia (MMKK), the Leopold Col­lec­tion, Vien­na, the Essl Col­lec­tion, Klosterneuburg, the Stra­bag Kun­st­fo­rum, Vien­na, and the Mobil Aus­tria Col­lec­tion. With expres­sive brush­strokes Gradis­chnig inter­prets the essence of nature in dif­fer­ent light sit­u­a­tions. In his land­scape paint­ings he shows a sec­ond real­i­ty in which the col­ors delib­er­ate­ly set accents and allow the atmos­pher­ic to emerge.
Ernst Gradis­chnig lives and works as a free­lance artist in Witsch in Moosburg.
1980 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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