Peter KRAWAGNA was born on May 7, 1937 in Kla­gen­furt and grew up in Velden. After an appren­tice­ship as a painter in his par­ents’ com­pa­ny, he attend­ed the art school in Linz from 1953, where he stud­ied with Her­bert Dim­mel until 1957. It was dur­ing this time that his first land­scape paint­ings were cre­at­ed. From 1957 to 1961, Krawagna stud­ied at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na with Her­bert Boeckl. In 1963/64 he stud­ied at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris. In 1965 the artist set­tled in Krumpen­dorf in Carinthia. Study trips take him to Italy, France, Africa, India, Greece and Turkey. Since 1962, Krawagna has tak­en part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. The artist received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the mas­ter school award of the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na (1958/1968), the gift­ed award of the acad­e­my (1961), the award at the nude com­pe­ti­tion in Paris (1964), the pro­mo­tion award of the state of Carinthia (1975) and the Köflach Art Prize (1974/1981). In his works, the artist tries to reduce land­scape motifs to the edge of abstrac­tion in order to then dis­solve them into a few col­ored areas. Peter Krawagna lives and works in Krumpen­dorf am Wörthersee.
1975 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Peter KRAWAGNA was born on May 7, 1937 in Kla­gen­furt and grew up in Velden. After an appren­tice­ship as a painter in his par­ents’ com­pa­ny, he attend­ed the art school in Linz from 1953, where he stud­ied with Her­bert Dim­mel until 1957. It was dur­ing this time that his first land­scape paint­ings were cre­at­ed. From 1957 to 1961, Krawagna stud­ied at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na with Her­bert Boeckl. In 1963/64 he stud­ied at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris. In 1965 the artist set­tled in Krumpen­dorf in Carinthia. Study trips take him to Italy, France, Africa, India, Greece and Turkey. Since 1962, Krawagna has tak­en part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad. The artist received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the mas­ter school award of the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na (1958/1968), the gift­ed award of the acad­e­my (1961), the award at the nude com­pe­ti­tion in Paris (1964), the pro­mo­tion award of the state of Carinthia (1975) and the Köflach Art Prize (1974/1981). In his works, the artist tries to reduce land­scape motifs to the edge of abstrac­tion in order to then dis­solve them into a few col­ored areas. Peter Krawagna lives and works in Krumpen­dorf am Wörthersee.
1975 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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