Her­mann KREMSMAYER was born in Salzburg on Feb­ru­ary 18, 1954. As ear­ly as 1971, Krems­may­er was artis­ti­cal­ly active in the graph­ic work­shop in the Trakl­haus in Salzburg, around the cir­cle of Her­bert Bre­it­er and Rudolf Hradil. After com­plet­ing his stud­ies at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na (mas­ter class Anton Lehm­den) study vis­its to Paris and Barcelona fol­lowed. Dur­ing his two-year study vis­it to Barcelona (1982 to 1984) the artist met fel­low artists Her­nan­dez Pijuan and Antoni Tàpies. Fur­ther work stays took him to New Mex­i­co, New York and Texas. In his ear­ly works, the artist dealt with archi­tec­ture and inte­ri­or images. In 1992 he moved into a stu­dio in Rossau in Vien­na. This year he begins with large-for­mat room and wall paint­ings. After study­ing in Pak­istan (1997), he cre­at­ed pic­tures of con­densed sim­plic­i­ty in emo­tion­al col­or spaces, enriched with sen­su­al mate­ri­als. The con­fronta­tion with dig­i­tal image con­struc­tions led him in the 1990s to a mul­ti-lay­ered col­or rep­re­sen­ta­tion in which the abstract and the fig­u­ra­tive are inter­wo­ven. Her­mann Krems­may­er took part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad and received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the Salzburg City Pro­mo­tion Prize (1974), the Salzburg Econ­o­my Prize (1980), the Theodor Körn­er Prize (1986) and the Slavi Soucek Prize for Graph­ics (1987). From 1996 to 2007 the artist taught at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg. In 2004 he moved into a stu­dio in Brigit­te­nau in Vien­na. In 2012, the com­pa­ny moved to a stu­dio on the site of a for­mer bread fac­to­ry in Vien­na. Her­mann Krems­may­er lives and works in Vienna.
2018 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz


Her­mann KREMSMAYER was born in Salzburg on Feb­ru­ary 18, 1954. As ear­ly as 1971, Krems­may­er was artis­ti­cal­ly active in the graph­ic work­shop in the Trakl­haus in Salzburg, around the cir­cle of Her­bert Bre­it­er and Rudolf Hradil. After com­plet­ing his stud­ies at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na (mas­ter class Anton Lehm­den) study vis­its to Paris and Barcelona fol­lowed. Dur­ing his two-year study vis­it to Barcelona (1982 to 1984) the artist met fel­low artists Her­nan­dez Pijuan and Antoni Tàpies. Fur­ther work stays took him to New Mex­i­co, New York and Texas. In his ear­ly works, the artist dealt with archi­tec­ture and inte­ri­or images. In 1992 he moved into a stu­dio in Rossau in Vien­na. This year he begins with large-for­mat room and wall paint­ings. After study­ing in Pak­istan (1997), he cre­at­ed pic­tures of con­densed sim­plic­i­ty in emo­tion­al col­or spaces, enriched with sen­su­al mate­ri­als. The con­fronta­tion with dig­i­tal image con­struc­tions led him in the 1990s to a mul­ti-lay­ered col­or rep­re­sen­ta­tion in which the abstract and the fig­u­ra­tive are inter­wo­ven. Her­mann Krems­may­er took part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions at home and abroad and received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the Salzburg City Pro­mo­tion Prize (1974), the Salzburg Econ­o­my Prize (1980), the Theodor Körn­er Prize (1986) and the Slavi Soucek Prize for Graph­ics (1987). From 1996 to 2007 the artist taught at the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg. In 2004 he moved into a stu­dio in Brigit­te­nau in Vien­na. In 2012, the com­pa­ny moved to a stu­dio on the site of a for­mer bread fac­to­ry in Vien­na. Her­mann Krems­may­er lives and works in Vienna.
2018 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz

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