Alfred KUBIN was born in Leit­meritz in Bohemia in 1877. He spent his child­hood in Salzburg and Zell am See. Attend­ed the arts and crafts school in Salzburg. This is fol­lowed by an appren­tice­ship as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er in Kla­gen­furt. Drop­ping out of stud­ies and self-taught train­ing. From 1899 stud­ied paint­ing and graph­ics at the art acad­e­my in Munich. 1906, after his mar­riage to Hed­wig Gründler, he moved to Zwick­ledt near Wern­stein am Inn. He trav­els to Bohemia, the Balka­ns, south­ern France, Italy, Prague, Berlin, Munich, Zurich and Paris, where he meets artist col­leagues and friends. Illus­tra­tions from world lit­er­a­ture form the focus of his graph­ic and graph­ic work. In 1909 Kubin wrote his only nov­el “The Oth­er Side”. In 1959 Kubin died in Zwick­ledt at the age of 82. 1934 — first exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

Alfred KUBIN was born in Leit­meritz in Bohemia in 1877. He spent his child­hood in Salzburg and Zell am See. Attend­ed the arts and crafts school in Salzburg. This is fol­lowed by an appren­tice­ship as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er in Kla­gen­furt. Drop­ping out of stud­ies and self-taught train­ing. From 1899 stud­ied paint­ing and graph­ics at the art acad­e­my in Munich. 1906, after his mar­riage to Hed­wig Gründler, he moved to Zwick­ledt near Wern­stein am Inn. He trav­els to Bohemia, the Balka­ns, south­ern France, Italy, Prague, Berlin, Munich, Zurich and Paris, where he meets artist col­leagues and friends. Illus­tra­tions from world lit­er­a­ture form the focus of his graph­ic and graph­ic work. In 1909 Kubin wrote his only nov­el “The Oth­er Side”. In 1959 Kubin died in Zwick­ledt at the age of 82. 1934 — first exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

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