Anton MAHRINGER was born in Neuhausen in Würt­tem­berg in 1902. 1925 to 1930 stud­ied at the art acad­e­my in Stuttgart with Arnold Wald­schmidt and Anton Kolig. With Kolig, who lives in Carinthia, Mahringer makes his first trip to Nötsch in the Carinthi­an Gail­tal, where he com­plete­ly relo­cat­ed in 1931. From 1944 he lived in St. Geor­gen im Gail­tal. In addi­tion to por­traits and still lifes, Mahringer’s main theme is land­scape paint­ing. After his expres­sion­ist begin­nings, he devel­oped a per­son­al, abstract style of paint­ing, which is char­ac­ter­ized by the har­mo­ny of col­or sur­face and line. Along with Anton Kolig, Franz Wiegele and Ger­hart Fran­kl, he is one of the main rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Nötsch­er cir­cle. Anton Mahringer dies in 1974 in St. Geor­gen im Gail­tal. 1947 — First exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

Anton MAHRINGER was born in Neuhausen in Würt­tem­berg in 1902. 1925 to 1930 stud­ied at the art acad­e­my in Stuttgart with Arnold Wald­schmidt and Anton Kolig. With Kolig, who lives in Carinthia, Mahringer makes his first trip to Nötsch in the Carinthi­an Gail­tal, where he com­plete­ly relo­cat­ed in 1931. From 1944 he lived in St. Geor­gen im Gail­tal. In addi­tion to por­traits and still lifes, Mahringer’s main theme is land­scape paint­ing. After his expres­sion­ist begin­nings, he devel­oped a per­son­al, abstract style of paint­ing, which is char­ac­ter­ized by the har­mo­ny of col­or sur­face and line. Along with Anton Kolig, Franz Wiegele and Ger­hart Fran­kl, he is one of the main rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Nötsch­er cir­cle. Anton Mahringer dies in 1974 in St. Geor­gen im Gail­tal. 1947 — First exhi­bi­tion at the Welz Gallery.

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