Hannes MLENEK was born on May 30, 1949 in Wiener Neustadt. His orig­i­nal pro­fes­sion­al goal, avi­a­tion, came to an abrupt end in 1968. When a friend crash­es, a rad­i­cal rethink takes place. Mlenek moved to Vien­na and from 1970 was a guest stu­dent with Adolf Frohn­er and Carl Unger at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na. Hannes Mlenek is pri­mar­i­ly a drafts­man. He has been work­ing as a free­lance artist since 1976. The cen­tral theme of his cre­ations is the human body. The expres­sive, pow­er­ful expres­sion of his work, most­ly in over­sized pic­ture for­mats, draws shad­owy forms of the human body. Mlenek has con­sis­tent­ly devel­oped a work that can be locat­ed both in the area of the ges­tur­al-expres­sive as well as in the area of the fig­u­ra­tive. From 1978 the artist took part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tions and received prizes, grants and recog­ni­tions. Most recent­ly, his works, work cycles and instal­la­tions have been shown in exhi­bi­tions at the Leopold Muse­um in Vien­na, the Grenz Kun­st Halle in Jen­ners­dorf and the Anger­lehn­er Muse­um in Thal­heim near Wels. Mlenek lives and works in Vien­na. Since 2016 the artist has a fed­er­al sculptor’s stu­dio in Vienna’s Prater.
2002 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Hannes MLENEK was born on May 30, 1949 in Wiener Neustadt. His orig­i­nal pro­fes­sion­al goal, avi­a­tion, came to an abrupt end in 1968. When a friend crash­es, a rad­i­cal rethink takes place. Mlenek moved to Vien­na and from 1970 was a guest stu­dent with Adolf Frohn­er and Carl Unger at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na. Hannes Mlenek is pri­mar­i­ly a drafts­man. He has been work­ing as a free­lance artist since 1976. The cen­tral theme of his cre­ations is the human body. The expres­sive, pow­er­ful expres­sion of his work, most­ly in over­sized pic­ture for­mats, draws shad­owy forms of the human body. Mlenek has con­sis­tent­ly devel­oped a work that can be locat­ed both in the area of the ges­tur­al-expres­sive as well as in the area of the fig­u­ra­tive. From 1978 the artist took part in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tions and received prizes, grants and recog­ni­tions. Most recent­ly, his works, work cycles and instal­la­tions have been shown in exhi­bi­tions at the Leopold Muse­um in Vien­na, the Grenz Kun­st Halle in Jen­ners­dorf and the Anger­lehn­er Muse­um in Thal­heim near Wels. Mlenek lives and works in Vien­na. Since 2016 the artist has a fed­er­al sculptor’s stu­dio in Vienna’s Prater.
2002 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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