Maria MOSER was born in Franken­burg in Upper Aus­tria in 1948. From 1968 to 1973 she stud­ied at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na. As the daugh­ter of a mas­ter black­smith, she spent her child­hood between red–hot iron, fire and blacksmith’s ham­mers. The expe­ri­ences in the forge shaped the artist and she made these expe­ri­ences her life theme. Her pic­tures are pic­tures of an exis­ten­tial kind, they stand for life process­es. The col­or red (glow) is a metaphor for inner human trans­for­ma­tions and psy­cho­log­i­cal changes. It is the pri­ma­ry mate­r­i­al iron, which Maria Moser made her own for her bru­tal “rep­re­sen­ta­tion”, a homage to the archa­ic pri­ma­ry mat­ter, the inte­ri­or of the earth. Since 1979 the artist has exhib­it­ed at home and abroad and par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions. Maria Moser has received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the Gold­en Sign of Mer­it of the Repub­lic of Aus­tria (1987) and the Cul­ture Prize of the State of Upper Aus­tria (1997). The artist lives and works in Franken­burg and Vienna.
1985 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Maria MOSER was born in Franken­burg in Upper Aus­tria in 1948. From 1968 to 1973 she stud­ied at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na. As the daugh­ter of a mas­ter black­smith, she spent her child­hood between red–hot iron, fire and blacksmith’s ham­mers. The expe­ri­ences in the forge shaped the artist and she made these expe­ri­ences her life theme. Her pic­tures are pic­tures of an exis­ten­tial kind, they stand for life process­es. The col­or red (glow) is a metaphor for inner human trans­for­ma­tions and psy­cho­log­i­cal changes. It is the pri­ma­ry mate­r­i­al iron, which Maria Moser made her own for her bru­tal “rep­re­sen­ta­tion”, a homage to the archa­ic pri­ma­ry mat­ter, the inte­ri­or of the earth. Since 1979 the artist has exhib­it­ed at home and abroad and par­tic­i­pat­ed in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions. Maria Moser has received hon­ors and awards, includ­ing the Gold­en Sign of Mer­it of the Repub­lic of Aus­tria (1987) and the Cul­ture Prize of the State of Upper Aus­tria (1997). The artist lives and works in Franken­burg and Vienna.
1985 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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