Agnes MUTHSPIEL was born in Salzburg in 1914. The auto­di­dact is con­sid­ered a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of post-war paint­ing in Salzburg. After a lit­er­ary start, Agnes Muth­spiel quick­ly turned to paint­ing. After the end of the war, stim­u­lat­ed by her acquain­tance with many artists, includ­ing Max Peif­fer Waten­phul, Cas­par Neher and Her­bert Bre­it­er, she began to paint. An inten­sive exam­i­na­tion of art begins. Your stu­dio on Mönchs­berg No. 9 in Salzburg becomes a meet­ing place for artists and intel­lec­tu­als. Agnes Muth­spiel becomes a mem­ber of the Art Club and a mem­ber of the Salzburg group found­ed in 1952. She trav­els with friends of painters to Rome and the Ital­ian island of Pon­za. Agnes Muth­spiel died in Salzburg in 1966. 1963 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Agnes MUTHSPIEL was born in Salzburg in 1914. The auto­di­dact is con­sid­ered a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of post-war paint­ing in Salzburg. After a lit­er­ary start, Agnes Muth­spiel quick­ly turned to paint­ing. After the end of the war, stim­u­lat­ed by her acquain­tance with many artists, includ­ing Max Peif­fer Waten­phul, Cas­par Neher and Her­bert Bre­it­er, she began to paint. An inten­sive exam­i­na­tion of art begins. Your stu­dio on Mönchs­berg No. 9 in Salzburg becomes a meet­ing place for artists and intel­lec­tu­als. Agnes Muth­spiel becomes a mem­ber of the Art Club and a mem­ber of the Salzburg group found­ed in 1952. She trav­els with friends of painters to Rome and the Ital­ian island of Pon­za. Agnes Muth­spiel died in Salzburg in 1966. 1963 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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