Alois RIEDL was born in St. Marienkirchen near Schärd­ing in Upper Aus­tria in 1935. The first con­tacts to the visu­al arts began in 1960, and a tar­get­ed painter­ly devel­op­ment began in 1970 at the lat­est. 1976 Cul­ture Prize of the Province of Upper Aus­tria. 1983 Receipt of a state schol­ar­ship. 1993 at the painter sym­po­sium in Wer­fen. Numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions. Riedl’s objects in his pic­tures are every­day things, tat­tered sofas, arm­chairs and rick­ety arm­chairs. In his paint­ing he express­es the frag­men­tary and frag­ile nature of the objects — with a reflec­tion of his own state of mind. If the motifs appear abstract at first glance, the rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al comes to the fore after a long peri­od of viewing.
The artist lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärd­ing. 1969 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Alois RIEDL was born in St. Marienkirchen near Schärd­ing in Upper Aus­tria in 1935. The first con­tacts to the visu­al arts began in 1960, and a tar­get­ed painter­ly devel­op­ment began in 1970 at the lat­est. 1976 Cul­ture Prize of the Province of Upper Aus­tria. 1983 Receipt of a state schol­ar­ship. 1993 at the painter sym­po­sium in Wer­fen. Numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al exhi­bi­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions. Riedl’s objects in his pic­tures are every­day things, tat­tered sofas, arm­chairs and rick­ety arm­chairs. In his paint­ing he express­es the frag­men­tary and frag­ile nature of the objects — with a reflec­tion of his own state of mind. If the motifs appear abstract at first glance, the rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al comes to the fore after a long peri­od of viewing.
The artist lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärd­ing. 1969 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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