Annerose RIEDL was born in Pas­sau in 1949. The auto­di­dact only start­ed sculpt­ing in 1980. Since 1985 exhibit­ing at home and abroad. 2001 Receipt of the Moldau schol­ar­ship in the Egon Schiele Art Cen­trum in Kru­mau. 2005 State Cul­ture Prize for Fine Arts. Annerose Riedl cre­ates expres­sive, self-con­fi­dent per­son­al­i­ties out of wood, more pre­cise­ly from lime­wood, carved out of one piece. She stages her fig­ures on pedestals. She has made the fig­u­ra­tive a basic con­stant in her work. The archa­ic bod­ies, most­ly female, cre­at­ed from their pre­ferred work mate­r­i­al wood, con­vince in their clar­i­ty. Annerose Riedl lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärd­ing. 2000 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Annerose RIEDL was born in Pas­sau in 1949. The auto­di­dact only start­ed sculpt­ing in 1980. Since 1985 exhibit­ing at home and abroad. 2001 Receipt of the Moldau schol­ar­ship in the Egon Schiele Art Cen­trum in Kru­mau. 2005 State Cul­ture Prize for Fine Arts. Annerose Riedl cre­ates expres­sive, self-con­fi­dent per­son­al­i­ties out of wood, more pre­cise­ly from lime­wood, carved out of one piece. She stages her fig­ures on pedestals. She has made the fig­u­ra­tive a basic con­stant in her work. The archa­ic bod­ies, most­ly female, cre­at­ed from their pre­ferred work mate­r­i­al wood, con­vince in their clar­i­ty. Annerose Riedl lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärd­ing. 2000 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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