Roman SCHEIDL was born on June 29, 1949 in Leopolds­dorf in Low­er Aus­tria. In 1955 the fam­i­ly moved to Munich. In 1964 Roman Schei­dl returned to Vien­na and in 1969 began study­ing graph­ics at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na with Pro­fes­sor Max­i­m­il­ian Melch­er, which he grad­u­at­ed in 1974. From 1971 onwards Roman Schei­dl worked and stud­ied in Stock­holm, Paris, New York and Zurich. 1976 “Hau­se­in­sturz” first solo exhi­bi­tion in the Alberti­na, Vien­na. From 1979 the artist trav­eled reg­u­lar­ly to Switzer­land and set up a stu­dio in Zurich. In 1982 he moved to Switzer­land. 1983 sec­ond solo exhi­bi­tion with ink-brush draw­ings in the Alberti­na, Vien­na and first texts for the art mag­a­zine PARNASS. Schei­dl lived in Win­terthur and Paris from 1989 to 1995. Roman Schei­dl returns to Vien­na and founds the Ate­lier Son­nen­hof in Vien­na. Numer­ous works and records are lost in a fire in the stu­dio in 1997. Years of exhi­bi­tion trips and tours with the TAMAMU Ensem­ble (dance the­ater pro­duc­tions) to Dubai, Japan and all over Europe fol­low. Roman Schei­dl’s work shows a grace and light­ness. Influ­enced by East­ern philoso­phers, move­ment is an essen­tial ele­ment in his works. Roman Schei­dl lives and works in Vienna.
1984 – first exhi­bi­tion in the Welz gallery.

Roman SCHEIDL was born on June 29, 1949 in Leopolds­dorf in Low­er Aus­tria. In 1955 the fam­i­ly moved to Munich. In 1964 Roman Schei­dl returned to Vien­na and in 1969 began study­ing graph­ics at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na with Pro­fes­sor Max­i­m­il­ian Melch­er, which he grad­u­at­ed in 1974. From 1971 onwards Roman Schei­dl worked and stud­ied in Stock­holm, Paris, New York and Zurich. 1976 “Hau­se­in­sturz” first solo exhi­bi­tion in the Alberti­na, Vien­na. From 1979 the artist trav­eled reg­u­lar­ly to Switzer­land and set up a stu­dio in Zurich. In 1982 he moved to Switzer­land. 1983 sec­ond solo exhi­bi­tion with ink-brush draw­ings in the Alberti­na, Vien­na and first texts for the art mag­a­zine PARNASS. Schei­dl lived in Win­terthur and Paris from 1989 to 1995. Roman Schei­dl returns to Vien­na and founds the Ate­lier Son­nen­hof in Vien­na. Numer­ous works and records are lost in a fire in the stu­dio in 1997. Years of exhi­bi­tion trips and tours with the TAMAMU Ensem­ble (dance the­ater pro­duc­tions) to Dubai, Japan and all over Europe fol­low. Roman Schei­dl’s work shows a grace and light­ness. Influ­enced by East­ern philoso­phers, move­ment is an essen­tial ele­ment in his works. Roman Schei­dl lives and works in Vienna.
1984 – first exhi­bi­tion in the Welz gallery.

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