Wal­ter SCHMÖGNER was born in Vien­na in 1943. He spent his child­hood in Tole­do / Spain. Aca­d­e­m­ic train­ing as a graph­ic artist in Vien­na. Numer­ous study trips and stays abroad in Ger­many, France, Switzer­land, Eng­land, Italy, Spain and North Africa fol­low. Begin­ning in 1963 with active exhi­bi­tions and since 1977 stage design­er. 1988 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences in Ham­burg. 1998 and 1999 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my in Salzburg. 2003 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Euro­pean Jour­nal­ism Acad­e­my in Vien­na. Cen­tral themes of his work are intense­ly col­ored dis­cus­sions with light and with archi­tec­tur­al fan­tasies locat­ed in the sub­ter­ranean. The painter, drafts­man, book artist, children’s book illus­tra­tor, sculp­tor and set design­er lives and works in Vien­na and in south­ern Bur­gen­land. 1993 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Wal­ter SCHMÖGNER was born in Vien­na in 1943. He spent his child­hood in Tole­do / Spain. Aca­d­e­m­ic train­ing as a graph­ic artist in Vien­na. Numer­ous study trips and stays abroad in Ger­many, France, Switzer­land, Eng­land, Italy, Spain and North Africa fol­low. Begin­ning in 1963 with active exhi­bi­tions and since 1977 stage design­er. 1988 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences in Ham­burg. 1998 and 1999 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my in Salzburg. 2003 vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Euro­pean Jour­nal­ism Acad­e­my in Vien­na. Cen­tral themes of his work are intense­ly col­ored dis­cus­sions with light and with archi­tec­tur­al fan­tasies locat­ed in the sub­ter­ranean. The painter, drafts­man, book artist, children’s book illus­tra­tor, sculp­tor and set design­er lives and works in Vien­na and in south­ern Bur­gen­land. 1993 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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