Ernst Skrič­ka was born in Vien­na in 1946. From 1964 to 1970, he stud­ied graph­ic design at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na under Prof. Max­i­m­il­ian Melch­er, as well as art and art edu­ca­tion. At the same time, he stud­ied his­to­ry, art his­to­ry and phi­los­o­phy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na. From 1975 to 2008, he was Pro­fes­sor of Art Edu­ca­tion at the Ped­a­gog­i­cal Acad­e­my in Vien­na-Stre­bers­dorf. The artist has received numer­ous awards, includ­ing the Aus­tri­an State Prize for the Pro­mo­tion of Fine Arts, the Cul­tur­al Pro­mo­tion Prize of the Province of Low­er Aus­tria and the Aus­tri­an Cross of Hon­or for Sci­ence and Art, First Class. Ernst Skrička’s oeu­vre focus­es on peo­ple, espe­cial­ly their phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal state. It is this excit­ing bal­ance between cap­tur­ing and leav­ing open that Skrič­ka was con­cerned with in his pic­to­r­i­al inven­tions. His works are rep­re­sent­ed in numer­ous pub­lic col­lec­tions, includ­ing the Alberti­na, Vien­na; Kun­st­fo­rum Stra­bag, Vien­na; Lentos Art Muse­um, Linz; Leopold Col­lec­tion, Vien­na; MUMOK, Vien­na; Muse­um der Mod­erne, Salzburg; and many more. Ernst Skrič­ka dies on June 29, 2020 in Weitra / Low­er Aus­tria. 1986 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.


Ernst Skrič­ka was born in Vien­na in 1946. From 1964 to 1970, he stud­ied graph­ic design at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na under Prof. Max­i­m­il­ian Melch­er, as well as art and art edu­ca­tion. At the same time, he stud­ied his­to­ry, art his­to­ry and phi­los­o­phy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na. From 1975 to 2008, he was Pro­fes­sor of Art Edu­ca­tion at the Ped­a­gog­i­cal Acad­e­my in Vien­na-Stre­bers­dorf. The artist has received numer­ous awards, includ­ing the Aus­tri­an State Prize for the Pro­mo­tion of Fine Arts, the Cul­tur­al Pro­mo­tion Prize of the Province of Low­er Aus­tria and the Aus­tri­an Cross of Hon­or for Sci­ence and Art, First Class. Ernst Skrička’s oeu­vre focus­es on peo­ple, espe­cial­ly their phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal state. It is this excit­ing bal­ance between cap­tur­ing and leav­ing open that Skrič­ka was con­cerned with in his pic­to­r­i­al inven­tions. His works are rep­re­sent­ed in numer­ous pub­lic col­lec­tions, includ­ing the Alberti­na, Vien­na; Kun­st­fo­rum Stra­bag, Vien­na; Lentos Art Muse­um, Linz; Leopold Col­lec­tion, Vien­na; MUMOK, Vien­na; Muse­um der Mod­erne, Salzburg; and many more. Ernst Skrič­ka dies on June 29, 2020 in Weitra / Low­er Aus­tria. 1986 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.


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