Wil­helm THÖNY was born in Graz in 1888. 1908 to 1912 stud­ied at the Munich Acad­e­my. Dur­ing the First World War, Thöny vol­un­teered in the war in 1915. Dur­ing this time numer­ous por­trait stud­ies were made. Co-founder of the Munich (1913) and Graz Seces­sion (1923), the painter and graph­ic artist worked as an illus­tra­tor from 1914. Lat­er he cre­at­ed land­scapes and fig­ures. 1931 to 1938 stay in Paris and on the Côte d’Azur. In 1938 Thöny moved to New York. In a fire in a ware­house in New York, over a thou­sand of his paint­ings and graph­ics are destroyed and a large part of his life’s work is lost. A stroke of fate from which he will not recov­er. As a per­son and artist, Thöny was a lon­er who did not feel oblig­ed to any art direc­tion. The artist died in New York in 1949. 1936 — first par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exhi­bi­tion, 1950 — first solo exhi­bi­tion at Galerie Welz.

Wil­helm THÖNY was born in Graz in 1888. 1908 to 1912 stud­ied at the Munich Acad­e­my. Dur­ing the First World War, Thöny vol­un­teered in the war in 1915. Dur­ing this time numer­ous por­trait stud­ies were made. Co-founder of the Munich (1913) and Graz Seces­sion (1923), the painter and graph­ic artist worked as an illus­tra­tor from 1914. Lat­er he cre­at­ed land­scapes and fig­ures. 1931 to 1938 stay in Paris and on the Côte d’Azur. In 1938 Thöny moved to New York. In a fire in a ware­house in New York, over a thou­sand of his paint­ings and graph­ics are destroyed and a large part of his life’s work is lost. A stroke of fate from which he will not recov­er. As a per­son and artist, Thöny was a lon­er who did not feel oblig­ed to any art direc­tion. The artist died in New York in 1949. 1936 — first par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exhi­bi­tion, 1950 — first solo exhi­bi­tion at Galerie Welz.

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