Eva WAGNER was born on Feb­ru­ary 15, 1967 in Salzburg. After study­ing at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na, grants and work vis­its took the artist abroad, includ­ing to Italy, France, Moroc­co, Sene­gal and India. Eva Wag­n­er has been teach­ing since 1992: at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na, at the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my for Fine Arts in Salzburg and at the École Nationale des Arts in Dakar / Sene­gal. In addi­tion to numer­ous exhi­bi­tions, Eva Wagner’s work was rec­og­nized with the Bauhold­ing AG recog­ni­tion award in 1995, the Anton Fais­tauer award in 2005, the Kap­sch award in 2008 and the nom­i­na­tion for the Salzburg Fine Art Prize in 2011. Eva Wag­n­er has exhib­it­ed at home and abroad for the past 20 years. The artist lives and works main­ly in Vienna.
2009 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

Eva WAGNER was born on Feb­ru­ary 15, 1967 in Salzburg. After study­ing at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na, grants and work vis­its took the artist abroad, includ­ing to Italy, France, Moroc­co, Sene­gal and India. Eva Wag­n­er has been teach­ing since 1992: at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts in Vien­na, at the Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer Acad­e­my for Fine Arts in Salzburg and at the École Nationale des Arts in Dakar / Sene­gal. In addi­tion to numer­ous exhi­bi­tions, Eva Wagner’s work was rec­og­nized with the Bauhold­ing AG recog­ni­tion award in 1995, the Anton Fais­tauer award in 2005, the Kap­sch award in 2008 and the nom­i­na­tion for the Salzburg Fine Art Prize in 2011. Eva Wag­n­er has exhib­it­ed at home and abroad for the past 20 years. The artist lives and works main­ly in Vienna.
2009 – first exhi­bi­tion in the gallery Welz.

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