Exhi­bi­tion from 19.07.2024 — 29.10.2024






For many decades, Galerie Welz has been ded­i­cat­ed to mod­ern (pre­dom­i­nant­ly Aus­tri­an) art — from paint­ing to sculp­ture.
The cen­ter­piece of the anniver­sary year is the fes­ti­val exhi­bi­tion in which 90 works by com­pan­ions of the gallery are shown. The spec­trum ranges from works by the Salzburg Group, the Nötsch­er Kreis and the St. Stephan Group to works from Clas­si­cal Mod­ernism and Expres­sion­ism through to con­tem­po­rary works.
With works by Eduard Angeli, Lyonel Feininger, Paul Flo­ra, Joan­na Gle­ich, Wolf­gang Hol­legha, Ernst Lud­wig Kirch­n­er, Oskar Kokosch­ka, Peter Krawagna, Josef Mikl, Joan Miró, Maria Moser, Markus Prachen­sky, Wil­helm Thöny, among oth­ers u. and much more, an arc is spanned from clas­si­cal mod­ernism to rep­re­sen­ta­tives of con­tem­po­rary art.
To mark the anniver­sary, which coin­cides with the found­ing of the Welz fram­ing and gild­ing work­shop 125 years ago and has been estab­lished as a gallery in Salzburg since 1934 — in the ear­ly years as an art store and art salon — an anniver­sary pub­li­ca­tion is being pub­lished with an artist’s review of all the artists and artist groups rep­re­sent­ed in the gallery since 1934. We have worked with many of them for decades. As a gallery, it was and is impor­tant to us to accom­pa­ny them in their work and to sup­port them with reg­u­lar exhibitions.