Exhi­bi­tion from 02.12.2023 — 10.01.2024






Works by Nicole Bot­tet, Joan­na Gle­ich, Gabriele Kutschera, Maria Moser, Traudel Pich­ler, Annerose Riedl, Nieves Salz­mann and Eva Wag­n­er will be pre­sent­ed on the first floor. The artists work in a wide vari­ety of tech­niques and are rep­re­sent­ed with works on paper, can­vas and sculp­tures. The exhi­bi­tion reveals the diver­si­ty in their work­ing meth­ods and choice of motifs.

Nicole BOTTET, born in Pon­toise, France in 1942, cap­tures in her works the aes­thet­ics of the every­day. The cen­tral theme is still life and the human body. She prefers to work with oil paints on paper and can­vas. The char­coal pen­cil and col­lage tech­niques are incor­po­rat­ed into the oil paint­ing and some­times enhanced with gold and sil­ver leaf. Nicole Bot­tet lives and works in Paris and in Brittany.

Joan­na GLEICH, born in 1959 in Kluczbork in Poland, works with oil on paper and can­vas. She builds her com­po­si­tions from lay­ers in dif­fer­ent col­or con­sis­ten­cies and shades. Her art is always root­ed in nature, although a ten­den­cy towards abstrac­tion became appar­ent in her work ear­ly on. Joan­na Gle­ich lives and works in Vienna.

Gabriele KUTSCHERA, born in Vien­na in 1950, has devot­ed her­self to the art of forg­ing. In a rhyth­mic process in which iron is heat­ed and hard­ened in per­ma­nent alter­na­tion, she cre­ates expan­sive and space-cre­at­ing struc­tures. Gabriele Kutschera lives and works in Vien­na and Kösslwang.

Maria MOSER, born in 1948 in Franken­burg in Upper Aus­tria, process­es impres­sions from her father’s forge in her works. After ear­ly sculp­tures in iron, steel, wood and stone, Maria Moser is almost exclu­sive­ly engaged in paint­ing. Iron and steel in heat­ed and solid­i­fied form rep­re­sent life process­es, a trib­ute to archa­ic pri­mor­dial mat­ter. The artist lives and works in Franken­burg and Vienna.

Traudel PICHLER, born in Mül­heim an der Ruhr (D) in 1941, bases her painter­ly work pure­ly on ques­tions of the paint­ing process, col­oration and com­po­si­tion. Her abstract-look­ing paint­ings are often still based fig­ure, still life or land­scape. Her paint­ings are ver­i­ta­ble explo­sions of col­or, col­oris­tic fire­works and move between fig­u­ra­tion and abstrac­tion. Traudel Pich­ler lived and worked in Vien­na and in Ziers­dorf (Low­er Aus­tria) until her death.

Annerose RIEDL, born in Pas­sau (Ger­many) in 1949. Annerose Riedl cre­ates expres­sive, self-con­fi­dent per­son­al­i­ties out of wood, more pre­cise­ly from lime­wood, carved out of one piece. She has made the fig­u­ra­tive a basic con­stant in her work. The archa­ic bod­ies, most­ly female, are con­vinc­ing in their clar­i­ty. Annerose Riedl lives and works in Brun­nen­thal near Schärding.

Nieves SALZMANN, born in 1976 in Les Lilas, in France, deals in her work with land­scapes, urban worlds and per­spec­tive. Emp­ty and desert­ed, it depicts streets, rows of hous­es, out­ly­ing dis­tricts and indus­tri­al areas. From, most­ly in oil on paper, can­vas and wood worked pic­tures, com­po­si­tions of every­day places between fig­u­ra­tion and abstrac­tion. Nieves S. lives and works in Paris.

Eva WAGNER, born in Salzburg in 1967, finds her inspi­ra­tion in fleet­ing moments of every­day life. Lay­er by lay­er, she devel­ops her paint­ings, over­paint­ing and obscur­ing, com­bin­ing abstract and fig­u­ra­tive sec­tions, with del­i­cate trans­par­ent lay­er­ing over the paint­ing like a veil of calm. The artist lives and works in Vienna.