Exhi­bi­tion from 22.07.2023 — 09.09.2023








Got­tfried Salz­mann, estab­lished in the art scene as an inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized water­col­orist, has mas­tered water­col­or paint­ing like no oth­er. In his works, the artist uses var­i­ous tech­niques such as water­col­or, char­coal draw­ing and col­lage, bring­ing out the poet­ry of cities and land­scapes, paint­ing and trans­form­ing them. Salz­mann has lived and worked in Paris since 1965. For almost four decades, the city of New York cap­ti­vat­ed the artist and left pro­found traces in his work. Through new ways of see­ing, per­spec­tives and influ­ences of infor­mal art, he suc­ceeds in play­ing between rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al­ism and abstrac­tion.
The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture Salzmann’s ear­ly land­scapes and big city paint­ings, as well as the artist’s most recent works, “Flug- und Schat­ten­bilder.”
On the occa­sion of Got­tfried Salzmann’s 80th birth­day, Galerie Welz ded­i­cates its fes­ti­val exhi­bi­tion to the artist. A pho­to exhi­bi­tion of the artist is pre­sent­ed in Wies­pach Cas­tle in Hallein. Oth­er exhi­bi­tions, at the Muse­um Schloss Ritzen in Saalfelden, at the Salzburg Muse­um and at Schloss Aren­berg in Salzburg, pay trib­ute to the artist’s work.
A two-vol­ume anniver­sary edi­tion, con­sist­ing of a vol­ume of paint­ings and a vol­ume of pho­tographs, will be pub­lished to accom­pa­ny the exhi­bi­tions. The paint­ing vol­ume “Just Believe in Art” pro­vides an overview of the artist’s entire oeu­vre to date, span­ning near­ly six decades, while the pho­tog­ra­phy vol­ume “Le Regard” is the first overview of Got­tfried Salzmann’s pho­to­graph­ic work.

Got­tfried Salz­mann. Just Believe in Art. ISBN: 978–3‑7025–1106‑7
Got­tfried Salz­mann. Le Regard. ISBN: 978–3‑7025–1105‑0