Exhi­bi­tion from 09.09.2023 — 18.10.2023








To find and show the essen­tial, traces of life every­where, to this uni­ver­sal ques­tion of our human per­cep­tion Gunter Damisch has ded­i­cat­ed his entire work. In his own dis­tinc­tive visu­al lan­guage, minia­ture fig­ures cavort and gath­er around organ­ic forms every­where. Damisch’s “Ste­her” and “Flämm­ler”, are rep­re­sen­ta­tive of all of us, who form archa­ic, joy­ful soci­eties in his art. Gunter Damisch worked in series, in dif­fer­ent media. The indi­vid­ual works stand in a larg­er con­text, vari­a­tions that are dif­fer­ent and yet sim­i­lar again. Gunter Damisch belongs to a group of young artists who attract­ed atten­tion in Aus­tria in the 1980s and became known as the “Neue Wilde”.
The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture water­col­ors, draw­ings and prints by the artist.