Nicole Bottet

Exhi­bi­tion from 27.04.2022 — 06.06.2022




Nicole Bot­tet, born in Pon­toise, France in 1942, grad­u­at­ed from the École nationale supĂ©rieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1969. The cen­tral theme of her pic­to­r­i­al cre­ations is the still life and the human body, which increas­ing­ly emerged as a motif in the 1970s and to which she is now increas­ing­ly devot­ing her­self again. In her works, Nicole Bot­tet cap­tures the aes­thet­ics of the every­day. Prefer­ably she works with oil paints on paper and can­vas as image car­ri­er. The char­coal pen­cil and col­lage tech­niques are incor­po­rat­ed into the oil paint­ing. The artist adds col­or accents to the sub­tle col­or­ful­ness of her paint­ings, which she enhances with gold and sil­ver leaf. Since her first exhi­bi­tion in Paris in 1973, exhi­bi­tions have been held annu­al­ly in Euro­pean and Japan­ese galleries.
Her works hang in the Alberti­na in Vien­na, Le MusĂ©e Olympique and MusĂ©e Jenisch Vevey in Switzer­land, the Bib­lio­thĂšque Nationale in Paris, and the Kasama Nichi­do Muse­um in Japan, among oth­ers. Nicole Bot­tet lives and works in Paris.
The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture revi­sions and recent works by the artist.