Nicole Bottet
ExhiÂbiÂtion from 27.04.2022 â 06.06.2022
Nicole BotÂtet, born in PonÂtoise, France in 1942, gradÂuÂatÂed from the Ăcole nationale supĂ©rieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1969. The cenÂtral theme of her picÂtoÂrÂiÂal creÂations is the still life and the human body, which increasÂingÂly emerged as a motif in the 1970s and to which she is now increasÂingÂly devotÂing herÂself again. In her works, Nicole BotÂtet capÂtures the aesÂthetÂics of the everyÂday. PreferÂably she works with oil paints on paper and canÂvas as image carÂriÂer. The charÂcoal penÂcil and colÂlage techÂniques are incorÂpoÂratÂed into the oil paintÂing. The artist adds colÂor accents to the subÂtle colÂorÂfulÂness of her paintÂings, which she enhances with gold and silÂver leaf. Since her first exhiÂbiÂtion in Paris in 1973, exhiÂbiÂtions have been held annuÂalÂly in EuroÂpean and JapanÂese galleries.
Her works hang in the AlbertiÂna in VienÂna, Le MusĂ©e Olympique and MusĂ©e Jenisch Vevey in SwitzerÂland, the BibÂlioÂthĂšque Nationale in Paris, and the Kasama NichiÂdo MuseÂum in Japan, among othÂers. Nicole BotÂtet lives and works in Paris.
The exhiÂbiÂtion will feaÂture reviÂsions and recent works by the artist.
Her works hang in the AlbertiÂna in VienÂna, Le MusĂ©e Olympique and MusĂ©e Jenisch Vevey in SwitzerÂland, the BibÂlioÂthĂšque Nationale in Paris, and the Kasama NichiÂdo MuseÂum in Japan, among othÂers. Nicole BotÂtet lives and works in Paris.
The exhiÂbiÂtion will feaÂture reviÂsions and recent works by the artist.