1920 - Welz picture frame

After the journeyman’s exam­i­na­tion, Friedrich M. Welz found a job in the fac­to­ry of his uncle Max, who ran a mold­ing and frame fac­to­ry in Vien­na. “Welz pic­ture frame” already had a renowned rep­u­ta­tion. His uncle had con­tact with the artists of the time for whose works he cre­at­ed indi­vid­ual frames. Friedrich M. Welz got to know the world of art, espe­cial­ly from the point of view of crafts­man­ship. In look­ing at and deal­ing with works of art, he approached art in a very prac­ti­cal way. From his uncle he learned the impor­tance of pro­por­tion, the sense of space and the art of the right frame.